Saturday, July 14, 2007

A Few Saturday Night Links

Corporate power is corporate power whatever the product: how big is too big in the organic market? Scandals erupt in the FTC’s suit to prevent Whole Foods from buying out Wild Oats on antitrust grounds.

The Washington Post writes about tensions among Democrats over farm subsidy reform.

A solar-powered electric car, albeit with so-far limited application.

Check out Says founder Richard, “This blog began as a place to record my acts of illicit cultivation around London. Now it’s a growing arsenal for anyone interested in the war against the neglect of public space.”


Anonymous said...

I have a big problem with subsidies, which are designed for agribusiness rather than the small farmer. Half of the land west of the Mississippi (or more, really) is not fit for agribusiness, and desperately needs diversification of crops.

Paying people not to grow... Rod Serling for President?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link about solar-powered vehicles. In Bozeman no less...

Anonymous said...

Great gardening link! Bookmarked.

Anonymous said...

I'll see your guerilla gardening link and offer up this ( )

thirdinstar said...

I don't think eliminating subsidies all at once is the answer (and I'm sure it's not politically possible)-- but major adjustments, such as exempting more of the larger and already profitable operations, expanding the range of subsidized crops to include fruit and vegetable growers, and providing (perhaps) stronger incentives for good land stewardship... those might make the system more equitable and fair.

Why, thanks for reading, "anonymous"!

thirdinstar said...

We seem to be here at the same time, real time. Thanks for the link.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.