Friday, August 10, 2007

Conservation and Environment Links, 8/10/07

I've been quiet this week, but here are a handful of links to chew on in the meantime.

FishOutofWater at Daily Kos writes about a record minimum for Arctic sea ice.

A new study in Science suggests the endangered black-footed ferret population, supported by a captive breeding program, is making progress.

The El Segundo blue butterfly, on the endangered species list since 1976, is making a comeback too.

Biodiversity alert: a 386-square-mile tract of forest in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, long-inaccessible to biologists because of regional violence, is found to contain a number of previously-undescribed species as well as a very high level of animal and plant diversity. "The Wildlife Conservation Society notes that chiefs and elders at local villages are supportive of transforming the region into a protected park."

BP proposes coal-bed methane exploration in the Canadian portion of the Flathead River basin, near Glacier National Park. Montana politicians and scientists are alarmed.

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