Monday, July 30, 2007

Writing My Congressman

Okay, so last week I wrote Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-MT) a brief email asking him to support the Ryan amendment to the 2007 Farm Bill. The amendment didn't end up being considered at all, so I can't complain about his vote. I can, however, complain about his office's response. Here are some excerpts from the email I received today (emphases mine).
"Dear [eviltwin],

Thank you for contacting me about the 2002 Farm Bill. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.

As you know, the new Farm Bill -- the "Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002" -- passed the House of Representatives on May 2, 2002 and was signed into law by the President on May 13, 2002. [snip]

Frankly, there are things in the bill that I would have done differently had I been the sole author, such as dramatically scaling back the Conservation Reserve Program. [way to win my heart, Denny.-- snip]

Finally, I should mention my severe disappointment that our $2.4 billion Ag disaster assistance package was dropped from the bill in the House/Senate conference. The Senate bill came in several billion dollars over budget and our disaster assistance package, unfortunately, was one of the provisions that did not make the final cut. Nevertheless, I want to assure you that as a fifth generation rancher I fully understand and appreciate the tremendous need for this assistance and will continue working with Senator Burns and Senator Baucus until Montana farmers and ranchers receive the financial compensation they need and deserve.

Once again, thanks for taking the time to write. If you should have any questions about Farm Bill implementation, I recommend the USDA website -- -- or calling your local FSA office. For more information about current legislative issues or to sign up for my e-newsletter, please visit Keep in touch."
You know what, Denny? I'm not going to be looking to you for current legislative issues again soon. That was the 2007 Farm Bill, by the way. And, while I understand you may miss Senator Burns-- it's lonely being one of the last Republican politicians left in Montana-- it'll be Senator Tester I contact with my concerns about the 2007 Farm Bill next month.

Glad to hear you and your staff are keeping up with this important issue.

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